Tuesday, September 16, 2008

With a little bit of patience

I was able to snag my first treasury on Etsy. What is a treasury you ask? Here is a description from Etsy

"Satisfy your inner curator — Treasury to the rescue! The Treasury is a member-curated gallery of short-lived lists of 12 hand-picked items each (plus four alternates). It functions as a high-demand (and pretty!) promotional tool that many devoted Etsians fight to get. Members can feature their favorite items, items selected on a theme, or just however they like. The Treasury is not intended for self-promotion, but instead to acknowledge and share the many cool things for sale on Etsy. Admin often choose an exceptional Treasury list to promote on the home page and occasionally make them to tie into Storque articles or special events and occasions."

I was able to get a spot in Treasury West. I patiently sat at my lap top and constantly checked until enough lists had expired to drop the number of active lists to 222 which is the magic number. After that new spots open and I was able to secure on. My husband thought I was crazy to be glued to my laptop to create a list of items that weren't even my own. He just doesn't understand the world of Etsy! All the items I picked are so beautiful and most are on my WANT list.

Take a look before it expires tomorrow morning!

Curry, Aqua and Lime, oh my!

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